
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters - February 22, 2006

Fellow Toastmasters and Honoured Guests!

Clive Milton, CTM-CL our President conducted an excellent “Open House” meeting in the presence of more than 40 people (members and guests), with the theme “Beginnings”.
Rudy Dacorte, our SAA did a great job introducing the Chair and especially for the Parliamentarian role he was well prepared and flawless.

During the business session three events were announced:
March 8th - “Club Speech Contest”
April 3rd - “Mississauga Valley Anniversary”
Elections in May

Simona Cheoreanu, CTM-our VP-ed and the newest Canadian citizen (as today) took the role of Table Topics Master instead Sherry (who was not able to be present today) and found a great theme, which captivated almost all the audience with “New Beginnings in… marriage”

Ted Schuster with the General Toast, Bill Gillies with Word for the Day, Alice Xie with Joke for the Day, did also a superb job representing our club with pride and joy!

Daniel Cheoreanu – our Secretary grabbed the attention of the audience quoting: “It doesn’t take a grand act to inspire people. You can do it doing the right thing, by doing something difficult or by doing something special. You can do it through the words you say to encourage someone on.” – Author unknown, and then introduced the speakers.

We had four speakers:
Rajinder Mann with “New Beginnings for Me” and Benjamin Deng with “Milestones in My Life”, Icebreakers, achieved their objective to introduce themselves to our fellow club members and to discover speaking skills they already have.
They were evaluated by Arabella Benson and Fraser McAlllen, very experienced public speakers. We were honoured by their participation and their joy of sharing with us great tips and effective evaluations.
Agota Roth delivered her 3rd speech “My Hero”, an emotional speech and was evaluated by Jeff Peters, CTM.
Yvonne Francis overcame the adversity of a bad flu and delivered her 6th speech “Art Reproduction 101” an interesting and captivating speech and won the Best Speaker award.

Best Evaluator was awarded to Jeff, and Kai Chen won the Best Table Topics.
Vivian Li did a great job as Timer, and Bruce Mackay surprised us with his fine sense of humour thorough Grammarian Report and Listen Quiz.

Eileen He, CTM as General Evaluator was crisp evaluating the whole meeting without any missing. She thanked the evaluators for their inspirational support and Clive for the excellent conducted meeting.
After “his marathon” as Toastmaster, Daniel was awarded with the Spark of the Meeting, and Carter Qian concluded the meeting with the Thought of the Day.

For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at the future meetings.

Members attending: Rudi, Simona, Ross, Bill, Daniel, Eileen, Carter, Kai, Vivian, Bob, Jeff, Frank, Agota, Krish, Ted, Alice, Niv, Raj, Yvonne, Miriam, Clive, Benjamin, Bruce, . Guests: Arabella, Fraser, Sharif, Marlene, David, Nicola, Irene, Glen, Peter, Johnny, etc.


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