
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters – February 15, 2006

Fellow Toastmasters, Dear Friends and Honoured Guests!

The theme of the meeting of Sheridan Park TM Club of Feb 15, 2006 was “Competition”. Jeff Peters, CTM as the Chairperson demonstrated that he is still “competitive at Math”, overcame all challenges and announced some changes in the agenda. 17 members and 2 guests were present.

General Toast was delivered by one of the first runner in our Club, Kris Ravuvari, ATM-S, who always is ready to help.

Simona Cheoreanu, CTM – presented “COGNITION=NOESIS” as Word For the Day.
Bill Gillies delivered again one of his great jokes and seems that he is challenging Bob Skakie for the Joke For the Day monopoly!

Our President, Clive Milton, CTM, CL brought a fresh twist in Table Topics and challenged us with his Olympics Pictures theme. Tough competition, but the Best Table Topics was awarded to Agota.

At 7.45pm Jeff opened the floor for the business meeting and conducted it very well thru minute’s adoption and the new business announcements. The Speech Contest will be on March 8th!
He also was pleased with his performance, about how he dealt with different aspects and that all discussions were addressed “thru the chair”, as Parliamentarian!

Alice Xie as Toastmaster introduced the speakers and their prepared speeches using the name of the speaker followed by the speech’ title and then repeating the speech title followed by the name of the speaker.
Niv Mann started as a WFF2 champion her Ice Breaker and introduced very well herself to the Club. We are looking forward to “compete” with such a good performer.
Sherry Parnell, CTM, CL evaluated Niv’s speech pointing out particular parts of the speech that she really liked and encouraged Niv for her delivery.

Eileen He, CTM our VP-PR with her ATM#2 “Magic Lights” prepared speech introduced us to the photography emotions and interesting facts.
Kris Ravuvari our seasoned member evaluated Eileen’s speech in a professional manner – good example for all of us.

The third speaker was Daniel Cheoreanu with speech no. 9 – Subscribe me! – and he tried with all his efforts to persuade the audience to subscribe to the Club’s blog. If the result was achieved, we will see soon, if not he will compete again at the next Olympics.
Kai Chan, CTM evaluated with sharp insights Daniel’s speech and won the Best Ealuator award.

Eileen was awarded with Best Speech award.

Simona Cheoreanu, CTM as General Evaluator was a sharp evaluator of anything and everything that took place throughout the meeting. She thanked the evaluators for their efforts and Jeff for the well conducted meeting.

Rudy presented a very precise Timer report.
Alice Xie was sharp as Grammarian and with List. Quiz.

Niv got the Spark of the meeting for her perkiness and presence.
Ted Schuster “seized the moment “ and with his Thought of the Day he encouraged everyone “TO CARRY ON!”

Members attending: Rudi, Simona, Ross, Bill, Daniel, Eileen, Carter, Kai, Vivian, Bob, Jeff, Frank, Agota, Krish, Sherry, Ted, Alice. Guests: Niv, Raj
For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at future meetings.


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