
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters – July 27, 2005

Our punctual SAA Rudi at exactly 7.15pm started the Sheridan Park TM meeting, with 18 members and introduced Peter Chen as Chair of the meeting.

The theme of the meeting “I cannot live without books” everyone could see it on Clive’s T-shirt, a subtle reminder to the members that didn’t have time to check the agenda.

In his Toast, Daniel’s perseverance into finding the formula for success was emphasized by Krish & Mythili daughter personal example. Kavita, a Canadian junior national champion in all age categories, with an international superb activity, will perform this week at Rogers cup with the best players in the world. Her continual persistence and effort are powerful steps toward the achievement of success.

Alice and Yvonne settled the tone of the meeting with FUN and some creative words from Joke of the Day.

As Table Topic Master, Clive investigated our library code cracking skills. Rudi and Carol shared the Best Table Topic award because Rudi secretly likes Jim Carry, and Carols name means exposure in French.

Peter the business likes serious with a nice smile opened the floor to business meeting on time and the parliamentary procedure was used efficiently.

Carol proposed that a motion to vote for membership to be moved the next meeting.

Di as Toastmaster elegantly introduced the speakers.
Simona with her speech “It’s time for travel to Europe!” - CTM #8 - almost convinced us showing about 8K pictures and took us with her thru Europe.
Harry shared with us his hacker skills and secrets in his speech “Don’t be part of the statistics!” CTM #3.

Simona was awarded as the Best Speaker.

Mythili as GE did a superb job with her clear insights, as well as her evaluators.
Kai and Johnny the “beer specialist” did a great evaluation and complimented Harry for his nice… slim and beautiful posture, for which he got the Best Evaluator award.

Abdullah, Robert and Carol helped with Timer & Grammarian’s Reports, and Listening Quiz.

Peter awarded Daniel with Spark of the Meeting for his help to make him more nervous during the meeting and invited our Krish William Shakespeare to offer us his Thought for the Day.

We adjourned the meeting just before 9:15

Members attending: Rudi, Peter, Clive, Daniel, Mythili, Alice, Yvonne, Carol, Di, Simona, Harry, Kai, Johnny, Abdullah, Krish, Ted, Emily, Robert.

For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at future meetings.


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