Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters – July 13, 2005

As Chairperson, our Sgt. At Arms Rudi Dacorte, gave a warm welcome to all participants announcing the theme of the meeting “Summer Fun”, and raised the temperature in room up to 30 Deg. Celsius.
This was only a breeze for Kris Ravuvari, who remembered much higher temperatures from his home country India, but we all felt the “Excitement” from his word for the day!
Our Past President Sherry Parnell as Timekeeper kept us to toe the line on time; furthermore she decided to gain more points reporting also as Grammarian and QuizMaster. The contest for the President’s Trophy seems to be tough!
Topics Master was the chirpy and funny Miriam Richter who treated us to an excellent Table Topics session posing interesting subtle questions such as “Get your picture – and picture yourself there!” Bob’s, Harry’s, Sal’s and Kai’s imagination won the best Table Topic after they looked deep within themselves for answers!
Our business like Rudi called the Business Meeting to order at 7.59pm. The minutes were adopted quickly and the business meeting was adjourned without a Parliamentarian report.
But, Simona didn’t give up and after the break she concluded nicely as the Parliamentarian, that for his first role as Chairperson, Rudi handled it with experience.
Peter Chen showed us how to be a Toastmaster with style, introducing the speakers “a la carte”.
If you didn’t love the dogs before, you will love them after Yvonne’s speech “I would like to have a dog.” At her second speech, Yvonne was natural and well prepared… to choose the breed, however a lot of decisions are still to make. Congratulations for winning the Best Speaker award.
Miriam demonstrated and convinced some of us that “piercing is cool”- in her “Hurray Piercing” speech – ATM-B #5. As a mother, she recognized in her daughter “the rebellious” child and decided to get 12 piercing fashionable holes, one for every month.
Great insightful evaluation was delivered by Eileen who won the BEv ribbon.
Our energetic Kai as GE had a thoroughly entertaining and well constructed evaluation done in 4 min.
Our very special president’s SPARK was deservedly given to Sherry who presented us with 3 reports through the evening.
Ted Schuster concluded in his THought of the day that “together we can help each other” and wisely decided to join our club!
Congratulations to all of us! Our Club is a 2004-2005President's Distinguished Club
Please put the following dates in your diaries now - they are all events not to be missed!
2005 International Convention Toronto, Ontario, Canada - August 24-27, 2005
And so ended another fantastic night at Sheridan Park Club – hmmm – at Hilton Garden Inn Hotel where the rooms are …$99/night - isn't it a great club?
Members attending: Simona, Eileen, Kai, Rudi, Johnny, Bob, Miriam, Daniel, Emily, Abdullah, Peter, Yvonne, Di, Harry, Sherry. Honored Guests: Amanda, Sal, Ted, Norman
See you Wednesday 27th July, for yet another evening of sparkling talent!
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