
Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Members Induction in the meeting of April 26, 2006

Pledge by new members:

I name, in the presence of my fellow members of the Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club, make this firm obligation
  • to attend meetings regularly and prepare fully for each assignment
  • to apply myself to the program outlined in the Toastmaster Manual
  • to participate actively in Club activities
  • to evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner
  • to build open friendly relationships with my fellow members
  • and to bring new members into the Club so that they also can gain the benefits of Toastmasters

Club members pledge to new members:

We the members of Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club pledge
  • to support you in your quest for self-development
  • to provide you with positive, helpful evaluations
  • to maintaina friendly and supportive athmosfere
  • to give you the opportunities to help others
  • and to make your Toastemasters membership a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
New members: Bruce, Benjamin, Agota, Raj, Niv, Candy, Elizabeth.


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