
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Goals and Achievements

Hello Fellow Toastmasters,

The end of our year is rapidly approaching, believe it or not.
With this in mind, it is time for you to think about what goals you want to achieve in our club by the end of June.
If you want to finish your CTM OR CL ( Educational ) ,
I STRONGLY advise that you sign up for your speeches NOW.
Please, sign up ONLY if you fully intend on keeping your schedule.
I have just signed up for the last of my own ATM Bronze speeches so that my own target is completed by the end of this Toastmaster Year.
Remember, you may also visit other clubs and give speeches, if they can accomodate you. Give me a call if you need more info about this.
Typically, our meeting has 3 speeches, however, we can accomodate up to 5 per meeting if we cut short our table topics and business sessions.

You are the reason that our club exists.

Let us help YOU ensure that you achieve your goals for 2006.
If you need speech details, please check out Danny's Blog.
If you are not sure how many speeches you have accomplished, please contact Simona.
In my Mailbox today I received the Sheridan Park Update
We need 9 Points to achieve the Distinguished Club award
To Date We have 7 !!!! We are already a ` Select` Club
We have :
2 CTM's ( Competent Toastmasters )
2 Additional CTM's
1 CL ( Competent Leader )
We have 13 new members !!
We trained 11 Officers !!
We have submitted all reports on time !
That totals 7 points........We are already a Select Distinguished Club
1 ATM ( Advanced Toastmaster ) ..............I am shooting for this.
1 Additional ATM ..................................We need this ...who is close ?
1 Additional CL ( Competant Leader ) Who can do this?
Who can step up to help us achieve our goals ?
Clive Milton
President, Sheridan Park Toastmasters

Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Members Induction in the meeting of April 26, 2006

Pledge by new members:

I name, in the presence of my fellow members of the Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club, make this firm obligation
  • to attend meetings regularly and prepare fully for each assignment
  • to apply myself to the program outlined in the Toastmaster Manual
  • to participate actively in Club activities
  • to evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner
  • to build open friendly relationships with my fellow members
  • and to bring new members into the Club so that they also can gain the benefits of Toastmasters

Club members pledge to new members:

We the members of Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club pledge
  • to support you in your quest for self-development
  • to provide you with positive, helpful evaluations
  • to maintaina friendly and supportive athmosfere
  • to give you the opportunities to help others
  • and to make your Toastemasters membership a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
New members: Bruce, Benjamin, Agota, Raj, Niv, Candy, Elizabeth.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Aspirin – relief from pain by George Torok

We take aspirin or equivalent when it hurts. We seek a solution when the pain or threat of more pain is enough to move us to change. Have you noticed that the changes you make in your life are more often the result of pain than anything else?

Consider these possible pain-change combinations:

Hate the boss – find a new job.
Get fired – become an entrepreneur
Heart attack – change diet, start exercising
Embarrassing presentation – learn to be a better speaker
Lost sale – review selling skills
Broken relationship – learn how to maintain relationships
House break-in – arrange alarm service

Change happens around us every day. The change that we pay attention to is the change that causes us direct pain. Then we change.

Floods on the other side of the world inspire minimal change. But when your next-door neighbor gets robbed, or we do – then we change quickly. When our hydro grid fails a bunch of us buys flashlights and generators – because we felt the pain and fear of deprivation.

Why is that important to you?
If you want people to buy – you must identify their pain – and touch that nerve.

Then offer your aspirin.

George Torok

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Attention! - Meeting room change for April 12th

Good Evening Fellow Toastmasters
We have a meeting room change for tomorrow night.
South Common Community Centre
` Seniors Room `
L5L 3H7
7:00 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Awards Area 22 Evaluation & Int'l Speech Contest

International Speech Contest
  1. Indy Juneja - "Take That Step" - Trillium Toastmasters Club
  2. Rocco Bellusci - "Right Here! Right Now!" - Trillium Toastmasters Club
  3. Safar Ali - "When Oportunity Knocks" - Lakeview Toastmasters Club

Evaluation Contest
  1. Ash Gulati - Trillium Toastmasters Club
  2. Frank Waldner - Trillium Toastmasters Club
  3. Safar Ali - Lakeview Toastmasters Club

Contestants International Speech Contest

Contestants Evaluation Contest

Division Q Contest - April 21st - 7:00 pm
HJA Brown Education Centre

District 60 Contest - May 5th - 7th Weekend
Delta Meadowvale