Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club 628
Making Effective Communication A Reality. Sheridan Park Toastmasters, is your key to developing the essential communication skills needed in today's fast-paced world.
Visit our club website at Sheridan Park Toastmaster Club and Toastmasters InternationalThursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Room change for March 29th
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters - March 15, 2006
Our Past President and the present Area Governor - Sherry Parnell, CTM, CL opened with 16 members a very interesting meeting with the theme “Passion!!!!!!”
“ENTHUSIASM” was the WFD presented by Ted Schuster, as well as the spirit of the participants in the TT conducted by Miriam Richter, CTM.
Stuart was kind enough to share with us that he passionately hates only the Taxes, in Canada, and without any hesitation the members voted him for the BTT award.
During the business meeting session, Simona invited the members to pay the due to the Club and Sherry announced the International Evaluation and Speech Area 22 Contest on 31st March.
Our members will compete against Trillium Club: Phil x 2, Jeff - EV and Clive - Speech.
We wish them the best of success and we will be there to encourage them!
Eileen He, CTM our VP-PR as TM introduced the speakers and their speeches in proper order and with well-thought presentations.
Eugene Ossadtchi delivered his Icebreaker as a seasoned TM re-joining our club. The pleasure to have him back as “A new friend” was definitely ours.
Stuart Montgomery with his speech titled “When you’ve got to go, go!” fired us! We’ve got from powerful motivators from as “Stay & Fight” and “Do!”
Clive Milton, CTM, CL – our President and Kai Chan, CTM our VP-Membership evaluated Eugene respective Stuart.
Eugene won the BS and Clive the BEv.
Elizabeth was a sharp Timer, Rudy caught almost all the grammar errors in his report and Daniel won the Spark OM.
Sherry reminded us that “the passion is our heart….” and then with a firm beating of the table with her gavel she closed the meeting 9.25pm.
An excellent good fun meeting with everyone speaking and contributing – well done all.
Simona Cheoreanu, CTM - our VP-Ed. evaluated the meeting with good insights and suggestions and congratulated Sherry for her well conducted meeting.
Members attending: Clive, Simona, Eileen, Kai, Rudi, Benjamin, Candy, Miriam, Daniel, Ted, Sherry, Elizabeth, Raj, Eugene, Stuart, Kris.
For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at future meetings.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Winners go on to the Area 22 Contest on Friday, 31st March, 2006
on Friday, 31st March, 2006
Congratulations to all participants who had the courage to compete at the International Speech Contest and many thanks to all volunteers who made this contest an excellent event!
The winners are: 1. Phil Taylor, ATM-B, CL 2. Krish Krishnamurthy, CTM 3. Clive Milton, CTM, CL
Phil and Clive will represent our club at the Area Contest level for the International Speech Contest, and Phil and Jeff will represent our club at the Area Contest level for the Evaluation Contest.
Phil Taylor - "One day at a time!"
Krish Krishnamurthy - "Stuborn Geniuses"
Clive Milton - "Happy Trails"
Peter Chen - "How to be a Proactive Consumer"
Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Toastmasters-March 1st, 2006
Miriam Richter, CTM chaired this special meeting with “Olympic Achievements” as the theme, with 20 members 3 guests.
The Toast by Phil Taylor, ATM-B, CL “To our champions – the Canadian team” who won the 3rd place at the recent Torino’s Olympics Winter Games and the Word of the Day “WIN” by Eugene gave the meeting a great kick start.
Tim Fuchs, the President of Trillium Toastmasters Club invited us to participate at their special 30th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday April 1st, 2006.
Jeff Peters, CTM was the Table Topics Master and true to his style and form built TT around Olympics carefully selecting the participants. Kai Chan won for the Best Topics presenter again. Kai will remain recognized for his wisdom and his words:” WIN WIN WIN!”
Miriam overcame graciously the adversity of the neighbor’s noise and took it as a challenge to be able to conduct a business meeting session even during the hammer’s kicks and walls trepidations. At the Officers Reports session, Clive announced the Speech Contest for the next meeting giving personal example and leading the contestant’s registration. A new member was inducted – Candy Zhang and our hardworking Simona Cheoreanu – VP-Ed, presented an excellent Parliamentarian report full of explanations for the new members.
Phil as Toastmaster introduced in his original and inspirational style the speakers for the evening; Bruce Mackay with his Icebreaker and Eileen He, CTM – our VP-PR…
The speech by Bruce “My Family” and the evaluation done by Clive were both splendid.
Eileen presented us very interesting tips and “saving money tricks” in her “Planning a trip” speech. Rudy Dacorte as evaluator was very impressed and declared that even he likes the danger of the unknown, he will think again before a new trip scheduling.
Bruce and Clive were awarded with the Best Speaker and respectively the Best Evaluator.
But the best deal in town was done by Bruce, again! He revealed us the secret and told us that "buying their daughter for 1 $/ pound worth every penny". He was the Spark of the Meeting and the Thought of the Day!
Members attending: Rudi, Miriam, Phil, Simona, Ross, Daniel, Eileen, Carter, Kai, Vivian, Jeff, Frank, Heather, Krish, Niv, Raj, Clive, Benjamin, Bruce, Candy. Guests: Dil, Andre, Tim, Eugene, Stuart,
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
International Speech Club Contest - Wednesday, March 8th, 2006
Dear Fellow Toastmasters and Honoured Guests!
After such outstanding and inspirational meetings during the last months, culminating with the last “Olympic Achievements” one, I am excited about announcing this Wednesday’s theme of… “International SPEECH Club CONTEST”. It should be absolutely amazing!
I have the honour chairing this competition with excellent speakers, and the Chief Judge is the one and only Kai Chan, CTM.
“WIN, WIN, WIN!” is his advice! And I will paraphrase Phil Taylor’s last Toast:
“To our Champions, the Sheridan Park Toastmaster Club members!”
Please come and participate in the Contest! Guests are more than welcome!!!
Have FUN!
*** and don't forget... March 8 is International Women's Day!
Canadians will celebrate International Women's Week from Sunday, March 5, to Saturday, March 11, 2006, with the highlight being International Women's Day on March 8.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Trillium Toastmasters 30th Anniversary Celebration
Hello Everyone,
Tickets are going fast for this event. To date we have 72 Toastmasters and guests attending. If interested in attending, contact information is detailed in the attached flyer. Hurry up; the deadline to buy your tickets for this fabulous event is March 23rd!!!
With Thanks,
Tim Fuchs
Trillium Toastmasters
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters - February 22, 2006
Fellow Toastmasters and Honoured Guests!
Clive Milton, CTM-CL our President conducted an excellent “Open House” meeting in the presence of more than 40 people (members and guests), with the theme “Beginnings”.
Rudy Dacorte, our SAA did a great job introducing the Chair and especially for the Parliamentarian role he was well prepared and flawless.
During the business session three events were announced:
March 8th - “Club Speech Contest”
April 3rd - “Mississauga Valley Anniversary”
Elections in May
Simona Cheoreanu, CTM-our VP-ed and the newest Canadian citizen (as today) took the role of Table Topics Master instead Sherry (who was not able to be present today) and found a great theme, which captivated almost all the audience with “New Beginnings in… marriage”
Ted Schuster with the General Toast, Bill Gillies with Word for the Day, Alice Xie with Joke for the Day, did also a superb job representing our club with pride and joy!
Daniel Cheoreanu – our Secretary grabbed the attention of the audience quoting: “It doesn’t take a grand act to inspire people. You can do it doing the right thing, by doing something difficult or by doing something special. You can do it through the words you say to encourage someone on.” – Author unknown, and then introduced the speakers.
We had four speakers:
Rajinder Mann with “New Beginnings for Me” and Benjamin Deng with “Milestones in My Life”, Icebreakers, achieved their objective to introduce themselves to our fellow club members and to discover speaking skills they already have.
They were evaluated by Arabella Benson and Fraser McAlllen, very experienced public speakers. We were honoured by their participation and their joy of sharing with us great tips and effective evaluations.
Agota Roth delivered her 3rd speech “My Hero”, an emotional speech and was evaluated by Jeff Peters, CTM.
Yvonne Francis overcame the adversity of a bad flu and delivered her 6th speech “Art Reproduction 101” an interesting and captivating speech and won the Best Speaker award.
Best Evaluator was awarded to Jeff, and Kai Chen won the Best Table Topics.
Vivian Li did a great job as Timer, and Bruce Mackay surprised us with his fine sense of humour thorough Grammarian Report and Listen Quiz.
Eileen He, CTM as General Evaluator was crisp evaluating the whole meeting without any missing. She thanked the evaluators for their inspirational support and Clive for the excellent conducted meeting.
After “his marathon” as Toastmaster, Daniel was awarded with the Spark of the Meeting, and Carter Qian concluded the meeting with the Thought of the Day.
For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at the future meetings.
Members attending: Rudi, Simona, Ross, Bill, Daniel, Eileen, Carter, Kai, Vivian, Bob, Jeff, Frank, Agota, Krish, Ted, Alice, Niv, Raj, Yvonne, Miriam, Clive, Benjamin, Bruce, . Guests: Arabella, Fraser, Sharif, Marlene, David, Nicola, Irene, Glen, Peter, Johnny, etc.