
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Minutes of the Meeting of Sheridan Park Club Toastmasters - Jan 04, 2006

Our new year’s meeting started fresh, with a “Fresh Start” theme, in a happy and celebration atmosphere given by the vivid coloured hats brought in by Sherry – for her TT session. 14 members and 1 guest were present.
Jeff Peters, CTM conducted the meeting confidently and took charge especially in the business session due his New Year resolution to take more responsibilities.
Our lovely Di Wang, CL toasted “For a good habit” and advised us wisely that in any challenge we have to “Stand up one more time than fall!”.

Frank Gao gave us “OASIS” as WFD right in time to remind us that somewhere in our imaginary world everyone has an “OASIS”.
Yvonne Francis as JM put us on the spot with 3 “thinking” jokes.
Our Past President and actual Area Gov., Sherry Parnell, CTM inventive as usual, got almost from everybody’s hat well kept “Goal Tips”.
BTT were awarded to Andrew and Ross.

During the business meeting the parliamentary procedure was used efficiently when Kai moved the motion and Jeff announced “it has been moved and seconded – to let the people who didn’t take roles be called first in the TT session.” After debates, the Chair explained the results of the vote and the motion was promoted to be taken to the executive with “7 ayes and 6 noes”.
Sherry announced the Club Int. Speech & Ev. Contest on 1st week of Feb. – click on Newsletter link on our website.

Our experienced CTM, CL Ross Breston introduced lively Clive Milton CTM and his pocket speech ATM B #2 “Retail”.
Clive delivered a funny, simple but powerful in free tips on saving money speech, and won the BS award.
Daniel – Danny – myself as the unique Ev. enjoyed the BEv. award, too!
Rudi & Alice were exactly reporting the Timer’s, Grammarian & Listening Quiz evaluations.
Kai Chen, CTM and always smiling, wore this time as GE, a serious hat for 5min which passed as 15 min. He did a superb job with clear insights and all of us took notes for the next roles.

Jeff awarded Clive with Spark of the Meeting for his unconditionally help to the success of our club. Yvonne Francis closed the meeting with a fresh and inspiring ending for TFD…
We adjourned the meeting just before 9:15

Members attending: Rudi, Peter, Ross, Clive, Daniel, Alice, Yvonne, Di, Kai, Vivian, Ted, Sherry, Frank. Guest: Andrew.
For those of you who were not able to attend, we missed you and hope to see you at future meetings.


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