
Thursday, September 29, 2005

How I could get more laughs from my audience using NLP?

Hello Friends!

I have just found this interesting article, and because very soon we will open the Humorous Speech contest, I thought you might be interested to use these tips...

Last week we explored the idea that you have to get someone to imagine doing something before they’ll do it. One of the things I’ve been imagining myself doing this week is my standup comedy routine. After training ‘The Secrets of Hypnosis’ on Saturday and Sunday, I’m zooming into Leicester to compete in the BBC’s new talent competition (sorry, it’s already sold out). I’ll let you know how I get on.

When I first started doing standup comedy (on a workshop with 10 other people), I had an experience which relates to NLP and hypnosis. We were ‘learning by doing’, so within ten minutes of starting the course I was on stage telling a story. After coming off stage, I was reflecting on how I could get more laughs from my audience next time, when I suddenly realised I’d missed the most basic trick in the book: I hadn’t set a goal. Right away, I imagined myself standing on the stage with the audience laughing uproariously. Next time I was on my way to the stage, I imagined it again. The response was overwhelming: I got way more laughs the second time, just by seeing the audience responding as I wanted in my mind’s eye.

Before you start using hypnotic language with others, it is important to get a clear goal in mind. What responses do you want to elicit from the other person? How will you know when you’ve got those responses? If your goal is to get the person to go into a trance, how will they look when they’re in that trance? Make a clear mental image of the person (or people) you are working with, having the responses you desire.

Your nervous system is goal-seeking. When you set a clear mental goal, you get your entire nervous system working for you to achieve that goal. If you want someone to go into a trance, make a clear mental image of them in that state. If you want them to have a sudden transformational shift, make a mental image of them having one, then hold it in mind. If you want someone to laugh, start by picturing them doing so (to really super-charge the process, hear what you’ll hear and feel what you’ll feel as well).

Speaking to you as a conversational hypnotist, your unconscious mind is your most powerful ally. Creating a clear goal in pictorial form, then adding in sounds and feelings as necessary is one of the most powerful ways to get your unconscious mind working for you.

Pictures are one of the most powerful ways of communicating with your unconscious mind, so if you create a mental image of your goal, in positive terms, it creates a clear message to your unconscious.

This week’s tip is taken from our free ebook, ‘The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis’. To get your copy of the ebook, as well as a language pattern each week for a whole year, and a free 7-minute audio of me demonstrating hypnotic language, sign up for our free hypnotic language e-course at no charge. You can sign up here:

For more of Jamie Smart’s nlp tips, please go to http://www.saladltd.co.uk/
©2005 jamie smart all rights reserved

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What is the best speech format ? written, memorized or an outline? - by Bob Tracz

I believe an outline works best for most situations.
It provides cohesion to your purpose and provides a rational progression to your conclusion.

You can use 5X7 cards so you can easily review, organize, reorganize and review your thoughts.
Your introduction should get the audience's attention,
introduce the topic, explain the topic's importance andforecast your main ideas.

Your body of the presentation can follow a logical thoughtpattern - one topic progresses into the next, chronological,spatial, classification, problem/solution, cause/effect,
prioritized... so you can be conversational and neverhave to worry about forgetting what you wanted to say.

Your conclusion should - inform the audience that you areabout to end, summarize the main ideas and leave theaudience with a call to action.

If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap, than his neighbour, though he build his house in the woods, the world willmake a beaten path to his door.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), U.S. essayist, poet, philosopher. Attribute

Dr. Tracz is a available for presentations and coaching
For more information, visit http://www.roberttracz.com

Sunday, September 11, 2005

HighGain 360° Listening Assessment

I believe, here at Sheridan Park Toastmasters Club we master the listening skills. With each role performed, everyone is working to cultivate skills that can be applied in all aspects of our life.
You will become a better listener and a more critical thinker.
You can check your own listening skills by taking this four-minute self-assessment. As you take this, please think of a specific environment- at work, at home, or performing community work. Listening is context driven: we often listen well in one arena and poorly in others. By becoming aware of your listening patterns you can take steps to cultivate this life-long skill.
Take the Listening Self-Assessment http://www.highgain.com/SELF/index.php    

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Meeting this Wednesday - September 7th

Hello Fellow Toastmasters,

The theme of this week's meeting will be 'If music be the food of love...play on'.
This week's program promises to be quite exciting .....you shouldn't miss it. Come early and mingle....and enjoy the soothing sounds of music!!!! Then, we will have the opportunity to hear the speech delivered by the winner of the International Contest at the recently concluded Toastmasters Conference. This will form the basis of our 'Table Topics' section....this should be quite interesting.
We will all be waiting with baited breath to see who has won the title of 'Toastmaster of the Month' for the month of August! This award together with other awards earned by our members during the month of August, will be given out during the 'Business Meeting'.

In the speech section, Ted will be giving his first speech - 'Icebreaker'...
...and Sherry will be giving Speech #4 from the Public Relations Manual, with a presentation entitled 'Work In Progress" ...Hmm!!
I can't wait to hear these speeches! What about you?

There are still many outstanding roles that have not been filled for the Meeting. Please log in to our website at http://www.sheridanparktm.org/ and go to the members only software option. Sign in and then pick the 'sign up for roles option'.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Thanks. Yvonne

"Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." - William Congreve