
Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Dear Toastmasters
I received a late call from the Hilton ....
No Room Available Tomorrow

Due to the late notice, I am cancelling the meeting as there are no meeting rooms available in our area available for tomorrow according to Parks and Rec.

Clive Milton

Thursday, May 04, 2006

District 60 Conference - May 5-7, 2006

Delta Meadowvale Hotel - Resort & Conference Centre
6750 Mississauga Road, Mississauga

Education, Encouragement and Enrichment is a passport to great achievement and self development in our diverse world.

“Passport to your destiny” is a diversity theme. Our actions often affect how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. As we extend ourselves to others and demonstrate understanding, we become empathic. As we respect difference, our actions, which include our messages, affect our own lives as well as the lives of others.

Come to the conference and celebrate what makes toastmasters’ different and what makes us the same. Use your toastmaster passport and ensure to have it stamped through out the conference for all of the great events.

Mark May 5th, 6th and 7th on your calendar as the passport to your destiny. It is the place to be!!!

►Conference Home
►Register ONLINE

►Registration Flyer

Business Meeting
►C&L Award


►First Timers

►Friday Night

►Keynote Speakers




►Author Agreement

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Power Presentation Tips by George Torok

Confident speakers:
Are comfortable with silence.
Smile more.
Say less.
Dare to be different.
Show they can be vulnerable.
Move slower. (Rapid movement looks nervous)
Are comfortable with ambiguity.
Know what they don’t know
Accept responsibility.
Share credit.
Don't feel 100% confident all the time.
Do not pretend to be perfect.
Speak in simple words.
Welcome questions and challenges.
Are willing to face their fears
Are willing to learn from every presentation.
Consider the perspective of their audience.
Stay focused on topic.
Are clear about their purpose.
Spend more time reading the audience instead of their notes.

Observe speakers who you judge to be confident. Note how many of these attributes they follow. Then check your own presentation. What characteristics are you already doing? Where do you need to improve? I bet that some items on this list surprised you.
Speaker confidence is not what you feel - it is what your audience perceives.

You can be a more confident speaker. Learn how to transform your presentation so that you project confidence. Attend this tele-seminar:
How to Radiate Confidence While Presenting - even when you don't feel it.
Specific how-to's along with examples from the above list. Techniques that you can start using today.
Don't miss this first in the new series of Power Presentation Teleseminars. The regular value is $24.95
As both a thank you for your e-postcard subscription and introductory celebration this first teleseminar is yours to attend at no charge. You can't afford to miss it.
3:00 pm EDT, Thursday May 11, 2006
To register now email your name to teleseminar@Torok.com
You will receive the phone number and your password.